Saturday 1 November 2008


I'm supposed to be doing my reflective writing for my PGCE course but am taking the time to write down some of what has happened recently to try to get my head around it.
My mum had a stroke on 12.10.08. at first we though it was a hypo as she was unwell but not incapacitated and being stubborn as she is would not see a Dr. the next day although I went out to K&S show as planned it was not the same and I worried about her and then in the afternoon found out she had a stroke and was in K&C hospital . A worrying week followed, then she got even worse and I feared we would lose her. now, 3 weeks later she is still in hospital, still unable to talk properly or move her right side but has made some improvement. We don't know if she will recover fully or not. I am continuing with my course but it is hard and this has made it harder but for now I will carry on as best I can and we had settled into a strange routing , with the week broken up with visitis to see her. Nan has taken it very hard and the practical implications mean we needed to find a child minder, I hope that works out. and now I am going to attempt some work, about 5 hours later starting than I should be.!

Wednesday 17 September 2008

information overload

my feet have hardly touched the ground since last thurs - seems ages ago but I've done so much, mostly all good. and I even learnt how to use a sewing machine lol! that seminar was great (I knew more about the machine than the tutor who was only about 12! but really nice.) the woodwork is much more difficult - I had to make a joint today (not canabis!) and I was useless. I've made friends with a lady my age who is a jewellery designer/silversmith - handy for the metalwork, a lad who is only 23 and has a degree in furniture and a couple of others, and between us we're covering most bases and helping each other out. I may be the fattest 1 but not quite the oldest, it's a mix of ages and 14 of us in the group so a good sized class. My placements might be the boy's langton, gulp! and Rainham girls, tbc. so far the traveling is ok- takes me exactly an hour and I got into school 1st Oct - scary. must now go and read next chapter of my text book before bed. trying to keep up with the pace and suceeding some of the time.
son no.1starting school has been fine so far.daughter no.1 going back has not been good as she has split with her boyfriend- lots of tears, from her and me giving hugs

and absolutely no time for my textiles but that will come back, I hope, 1 day and am learning lots of other new things.

Monday 1 September 2008

not sure what to write today

so I'll just ramble on about stuff. the house is getting organised, as much as it ever will with all the clutter - have been painting A's room, almost finished that and also the kitchen chairs have been done look better now they're distressed magnolia. all was going OK until the curtain in the green room came down and took about half the wall with it, what a mess, had a nice weekend and saw janet and her kids, spent a lovely afternoon on the beach just chatting. then on Sun went to HBay for coffee and A loved the new park at HAmpton. still some admin type stuff to do before next week , seems real now as got P45 in post scary stuff, back to work now

Monday 18 August 2008

continuing admin

The last few days have been busy, I've accpeted the offer from Greenwich, there seems to be loads of admin. and not all for my course. I've applied for a student loan and completed Beth's EMA,grr they calculate that on the previous year's income so no chance of more money there then, still got to do child tax, sort out money and credit cards etc etc. so little time, so much to do, had a good weekend, Sat had a day with Ann & Paul and fish & chip lunch, scrummy. went swimming yesterday gr8, Aidan with Beth today hope they get on OK and no time for stitch.... and work is busy too, loads of emails to deal with and so can't get the archiving done moan moan, but on the plus side only 8 more days here, yipee!

Friday 8 August 2008

i did it!

hooray, I've been offered 2 PGCE places in 24 hours, now I have a dilemma and I know the next year will be difficult. what ever I decide but just may be I'll get to be a textile teacher 1 day, lol, so its either textiles and RM at Greenwich which is easier to get to or textiles and food at UWE, decisions, decisions.
take a look at Aidan having a great time playing with the hose yesterday, as you can see he got soaked, how lovely to be so carefree when its really hot!

Wednesday 6 August 2008

here we go again

I'm still trying to get onto a PGCE course, my boss is gloomy about the prospect, but i am ever the optimist and if that does not work then it's carry on as i am for 1 year and re-apply next year and get more expereince in schools meanwhile and do level 3. i've just had lunch with a friend from asru and it was good to catch up, I've ticked her off my list and will contact some more friends tomorrow. i attach a photo of my kids and a dalek - Aidan was really scared, it was real to him as is all Dr Who and also a photo of Beth with one of the kittens being hand reared, need to think of some names that my Dad will approve of!

Monday 9 June 2008

blog no. 1

let's start with the obvious, as it's my first blog and I haven't a clue what to write - this is not going to be very exciting!

I'm Jane, I'm (let's be honest here) fat and in my forties, married to Mark for yonks with 2 kids , Bethany 17 & Aidan 4 and a half (yes big age gap, works for us as Beth is a great babysitter). When I'm not at work (KLS) or with the family I love to stitch. I'm currently doing C&G level 2 and as a wannabe textile artist I can't resist anything to do with fabric and thread, right down to saving all those itsy bitsy pieces that should really go in the bin. I have an embellisher on the top of my wish list but as the credit crunch is crunching that will have to wait, as will the next blog as I really should do some more work before I go tonight!.